Tuesday 17 March 2015

The Truth Behind Diet Drinks

As hard as big business tries, they can’t seem to improve the image of diet or zero calorie beverages, but are they really that bad for you? Let’s find out.

In short, the answer is yes. I’ll explain why these heavily marketed products have no place in your diet, and more so, why they aren’t helping you shed those pounds like many believe they can.

If you think about it they should be a perfect substitute for the ‘full fat’ option right? They’ll satisfy that craving for something sweet while saving you from the extra calories and keep you away from all those sugars…. Wrong! Excessive consumption has links with obesity, cancer, tooth decay and even depression.

Here’s a little crash course of why excessive sugar consumption is so bad for you and steals your weight loss goals. A meal containing simple sugars and carbs causes your body to release insulin. In short, high levels of insulin in the blood predicates fat storage, and over time leads to all those nasty conditions we hear about, including heart attacks and diabetes.

The artificial sugars used in zero calorie soft drinks are far sweeter than actual sugar, leading to an insulin response telling your body to store fat even though no sugars are actually present. From a weight loss stand point, if insulin is present you just aren’t losing fat, even though you haven’t consumed any sugar. That’s just how our body works.

As a side point it’s been long proven that frequent zero calorie consumers have much larger waist lines and overall health problems than those who limit consumption. The point made above is a factor, but psychology also plays a part. Many use diet drinks to justify cheat meal. Come on, we’ve all ordered a diet coke in MacDonald's to make the value meal 'healthier'. Furthermore the addictive properties of sugar are widely played down and ignored, but are very real.

Next, let's take a look at what these products consist of. If you look at the ingredients on the reverse of the can or bottle, you'll notice that most look more like a chemistry experiment rather than a liquid you should be putting into your body. The majority of these chemicals and compounds are toxic in some way or another, but I want to take a look at the most common additive - Apertame.

Aspertame seems to have been crowbarred into absolutely everything in addition to, or as a substitute for sugar as it's widely manufactured and very cheap. In almost one thousand reported studies into Aspertame there has been conclusive proof that the compound causes migraines (most common), increased symptoms of asthma, increased risk of leukaemia, brain tumors and brain cancer, IBS, Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

Aspertames link to cancer is well proven and cannot be ignored. Research has proven cancer cells, when exposed to Aspertame become more mobile and their mastocytosis (spread) is greatly enhanced. So why is it allowed into our diet if it's so damaging? Global corporations have and will always lean on research companies to ensure they can manufacture products with the highest margins in profit.

If you're looking for a zero calorie drink to supplement your weight loss or just to strive for a healthier you, mother nature knew what she was doing. There's so substitute for plain old water, and in fact I urge all of my clients to drink nothing but the stuff in the first four weeks of training. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit, make the change.

Jacked Fitness personal trainers are experts in physical and nutritional weight loss. We understand how important it is not to sacrifice your health in the pursuit of the perfect body. By using work outs, diet plans and fitness schedules that will create a sustainable platform for you to keep off the weight you lose, you'll never have to settle for a dubious 'quick fix' again. 

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